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Architecting Serverless applications with data streams and pipes



8/24/2024 08:00 (UTC)

Session Info

The session dives into the EventBridge Pipes for building a point to point service integration with DynamoDB Streams for a fully fledged system for consuming data in an event driven approach to work on changing data.

The session also discusses the gotchas and best practices with event driven applications that use EventBridge Pipes.

Jones Zachariah  Noel N

Jones Zachariah Noel N

- AWS Heroes -

- AWS User Community Leaders -

Session Category
Application integration
Developer tools

AWS Services
EventBridge Pipes
Step Functions

Session Materials

    Session Summary (by Amazon Bedrock)
      The speaker discusses architecting service applications using data streams and pipes. They emphasize the importance of integrating different microservices and AWS services in a traditional service architecture, which can be challenging. Event-driven architectures are crucial for serverless computing, as most operations rely on events. The speaker introduces AWS EventBridge Pipes as a solution for consuming events from various sources, including DynamoDB streams. EventBridge Pipes offers several benefits: 1. Simplified event consumption without the need for Lambda functions 2. Filtering capabilities 3. Event enrichment 4. Flexible configuration options The speaker provides an e-commerce application example to illustrate how EventBridge Pipes can be used to enrich events with additional context, such as customer and shipment details. This enrichment process can involve invoking other AWS services like Step Functions or Lambda functions. The enriched data is then sent to the target, which can be multiple AWS services. Filters can be applied to process only relevant events, and input transformations can be performed to prepare data for the target service. The speaker notes that enrichment works with synchronous invocations, requiring the use of Step Functions Express workflows. Target invocation is asynchronous, allowing for further processing. Benefits of this pattern include improved event ordering and filtering. However, users should be aware of EventBridge payload size limitations.

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