

Is it wrong to use a web framework with Lambda?



2024/8/25 09:40 (JST)


Lambda develops applications on a function-by-function basis, but there may be cases where a web framework is used for some Lambda functions.

In this session, we will compare the best practices of Lambda function development by comparing the performance and development efficiency of using a web framework on a Lambda function and dividing the same function into functions.

Koki  Miura

Koki Miura

- AWS Community Builders -




セッションサマリ(by Amazon Bedrock)
    The speaker discusses various methods of using AWS Lambda and compares their performance. They introduce themselves as Miura, who works on Office DX SARS development and is involved in community activities in Kobe. The presentation covers four main patterns for deploying Lambda functions: 1. ZIP file pattern: Bundling all dependencies into a ZIP file. Limited to 250MB when expanded. 2. Lambda Layers: Separating dependencies from application code. Reusable across projects. 3. Container pattern: Using Docker containers, allowing up to 10GB of space. 4. Custom implementation: Building a web application from scratch for comparison. The speaker conducts a performance comparison using an open-source load testing tool called Locust. They share the results, focusing on the failure rates of requests under heavy load. The custom implementation had a 3.05% failure rate, while other methods ranged from 4.51% to higher percentages. Key observations: - Cold start times significantly impact performance differences. - Lambda imposes certain restrictions that affect performance under heavy load. - The number of requests handled varied between different implementation methods. The speaker concludes by summarizing the findings and inviting interested parties to contact them for more detailed results. They emphasize that while the comparison provides insights, the choice of implementation method depends on specific use cases and requirements.

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